
Growing in Godliness: A Teen Girl’s Guide to Maturing in Christ

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Your teen years matter. Of all the ways you’re learning and changing during the busy teenage years, your growth in Christ is the most important. God intends to use your teen years as a launching pad into a lifelong pursuit of looking more like Jesus. This book will help you prioritize your Christian growth—pointing you to the resources God has… Read more »

I Have a Psychiatric Diagnosis: What Does the Bible Say? (Ask the Christian Counselor)

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About this book: A psychiatric diagnosis can be heavy burden—for you or someone you love. These struggles can be life-dominating. But we know this: God is not silent when his people struggle. What does God say? Experienced counselor and best-selling author, Edward T. Welch helps you answer that crucial question by exploring how God’s Word speaks in ways that can help you… Read more »